Wednesday, July 9, 2008

"You want to do What?!?"

Since there is wireless internet here at the hotel, I brought my laptop with me to Romania. However, the first time I needed to charge it, I realized that I couldn't because the plug for my computer has three prongs and my power converter only takes plugs with two prongs. Since that was on like my second day here, I've been without my computer for a little over two weeks. Thank goodness for my iPod (I knew there was a reason I bought the iPod Touch, haha)!

Anyway, the cord for my laptop is actually two cords that connect - one goes to the computer, and one goes to the power outlet. Someone told me that I could buy a cord here that plugs into the outlet to use instead of the American one, and I was so excited! So, yesterday, I went with Lois to Real (it's kinda like Walmart, and then there are other little stores inside - kinda like a mini mall...) and we looked for the cord, but none of them matched. I was so disappointed! As we were leaving, we noticed a small computer store, and though I knew they wouldn't have the cord I would need, I figured it wouldn't hurt to look.

So, we go inside, I find the guy that speaks English, and explain my situation. He looked at my cords and said that I could only get the cord I needed in the U.S. (I was so sad...); however, he's like, we can just cut the cord and put a European plug on there. I was like, "you wanna do what?" So, he explained it to me again, and when I asked how much he was like, "I don't know, we've never done this before" and laughs. Ummm...

He ended up quoting me 10 lei (that's less than 5 dollars!), so I figured, worst case scenario: they ruin my power cord, I don't have my computer while I'm here, and I have to buy a new one when I get home. So, I decided why not :)

I'm happy to report that I am typing this on my laptop as it is charging. My cord is totally ghetto now (it has electrical tape holding it together, haha), but I don't care. It works!

So, now I can post pics on my blog (yay!). Check back in a couple days, and I probably will have added pics to my older posts! Love and miss you all :)


momof3under12 said...

You're so white trash...

Unique: Just Like Everyone Else said...

Seriously, only you would not know that electrical plugs here don't work in Europe... and, I'm pretty sure I mentioned that when we were shopping for a carry-on... ;-) It's okay, I love you anyway.

Karissa said...

apparently, ms. unique up there doesn't read very well because i mention my power converter...i'm not that blonde. sheesh...

Unique: Just Like Everyone Else said...

HAHAHAHA!!! Okay, okay, sorry - it just seemed like such a 'you' thing to do: "why wouldn't this work in Europe?" :-)