Friday, July 4, 2008

Two Funny Stories :)

So, I forgot to mention two funny things that happened while I was with the choir...

At the first church, I was sitting next to this guy who helps out with the choir (though I'm not exactly sure what he does!), and he was really trying to make conversation with me before the service started even though his English was very poor. However, he was asking if I knew any other languages, and I said that I spoke a little bit of Spanish - and I definitely stressed the "un poco", and he said that he spoke a little bit of Spanish as well. About half way through the worship service, he said that he would translate what was going on into Spanish for me if I would like. So, I'm thinking that would be amazing! I thought he would just tell me what they were doing, but no, he started translating every single word for me! So, now, I'm not only hearing one foreign language, but two!!! Plus, I didn't understand much of what he was saying! I kinda just sat there nodding my head because I felt bad, and every time I thought about the situation, I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing!

Then, we got to the second church a couple hours early so that the choir could set up their sound system and rehearse. So, after they finished rehearsing, a lot of people layed down in the pews to rest. Since we had left at 6:00 that morning, I of course decided to do the same. I'm not really sure how long I slept, but when I woke up there was this old lady standing over me because I was in her spot! I was sooo embarrassed!!! I sat up and moved as quickly as I could, and then one of the pastors came over to speak with me (I'm not sure if he was going to reprimand me or what) and I tried to explain that I was with the choir, but I wasn't getting anywhere, so he finally left. The choir was back up on stage practicing (I had woken up when the music came on), so of course all the kids saw what was happening and were cracking up - so much so that the choir director turned around and started laughing too! It was pretty funny!

1 comment:

Sei la said...

eae o mew vai la ve mew perfil doido muito loko